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  • Writer's pictureGirl In The Corner

It's Not All About You!

Think about your circle of friends for a moment. Now, can you think of one who makes everything about them? Like, you tell them how bad your day was and they spin it to make it all about them. They have to make sure you know that their day was worse or better. The one who tells you all about themselves but never seems to listen to what you have to say or think. They may even roll their eyes when you give an opinion. The one who thinks their shit don't stink. They need to be on a pedestal every minute of everyday. If you can't think of one then maybe it's you. Sorry... but not sorry. Reality check... it's not all about you Felicia! I feel like the name Karen gets used too much and quite frankly I am starting to feel a little bad for those who are actually named Karen so we will call this friend Felicia. Sure, she may compliment you... "Girl your hair looks amazing" or "wow that outfit is fire" but does she really mean it? Or is this her way of saying "Nice try but thankfully I look better." Seriously, think damnit... you know that you have one of these friends. The tone in her voice gives it away. The look on her face gives it away. Her body language gives it away. Maybe it's her confident "hair toss check my nails" attitude. Felicia will always find a way to flip things around so that it is all about, you guessed it, herself. Felicia is the one who will talk nice to your face and talk smack behind your back and the one who says they care so much but never checks in on you in a time of need. Check your back, there might be a knife in it. If there is no knife then again, maybe it's you. I repeat... Sorry, not sorry. Sure, Felicia might mean well (sometimes) or maybe she's just plain evil. Who knows?! I say this from experience, I have had a Felicia in my life and as I have gotten older I have realized I do not need that energy around me. IF you truly do not have a Felicia and it is NOT you then GREAT! You chose your circle wisely and your parents raised your well. Bravo! I choose to keep my circle small and real. I'm a little picky for the girl in the corner.

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